So, after you bought a leech in the pharmacy,they must be placed in a jar with tap water, and cover the neck of the can with gauze. Keep them in a bright place, at 10-15 degrees, and the water must be changed daily. Before placing leeches, it should be noted that for treatment will suit only hungry and healthy leeches, which quickly move in the water. If the leech is sluggish, with knots or an adhesive surface - for treatment it is not suitable.

How to put a leech

Before putting a leech, it is necessary to processskin in place of setting alcohol, and then moisten the towel in warm boiled water and wipe dry. In order for the leech to suck better the skin can be moistened with a solution of sugar water or golukozy.

Take the leech with your fingers or tweezers in the areahead and put it to the skin. Wait until it sucks. After appear undulating movements in the area of ​​the front part of the leech (this indicates that the leech has sucked), it can be released. Likewise, the remaining leeches should also be given.

If the medicinal leech disappears, this indicates itsand it must be replaced with another one. The leech itself lasts from 30 to 60 minutes. If you need to remove the leech earlier, just moisten the area of ​​the front sucker leech with salt water. Usually, after leeches have sucked up blood, they fall off themselves. After this, leeches are placed in a solution of formalin or saline solution, where it will die. And only after that, it is poured into the sewer.

After all the leeches have fallen off, the woundssterile dressings should be applied. If the bleeding is prolonged, a tight pressure bandage should be applied. After stopping bleeding, the skin around the wound is treated with a 3% solution of hydrogen peroxide, iodine solution or alcohol tincture and apply a sterile bandage again. Usually 2-3 days later the wounds heal.

Contraindications to the use of leeches

If you have a disease that is accompanied by increased bleeding, anemia, severe malnutrition or low blood coagulation, the use of leeches is contraindicated.

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