Very often coming up in the morning to a mirror, we see,that the face was swollen. It can testify that you have some health problems, or you just drank a lot of water in the evening. So why does your face sweat after sleeping? Let's try to figure this out.

Swelling on the face often indicates thatyour kidneys are out of order. It can also be a consequence of the fact that you have chosen an inconvenient pillow for sleep, and it interferes with the normal circulation of blood in the vessels.

However, if you feel that the cause is not at allin the pillow, you must immediately make an appointment with the therapist. Only he can give the right advice on the treatment of the body. He will be able to decide which narrower specialist should be contacted to treat this ailment. Even the very minimal edema should be taken very seriously, as it can indicate that you are developing a serious illness.

With oedemas, the most likely development iskidney disease. Even if you did not use an increased amount of liquid in the evening, then in the morning you can still see the "bags" under the eyes. Also, swelling can occur with heart disease. This can be the result of having high blood pressure. However, over time, if this is not treated, the disease will switch to the kidneys. Also bags under the eyes testify to hypertension.

Thus, it is very simple to understand why the face swells. It is very important to choose the right treatment that only a doctor can prescribe. When swelling is not allowed to engage in self-medication!

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