Many of us remember the bellicose image of Terminator, his strong and moving body. Beautiful and stately figure. But why do muscles grow and what does it depend on? This will help you understand our article.

A person without a professional education is nothas a concept of how the body becomes embossed and why the muscles grow. Basically, this issue is of interest to beginning athletes. Often they are impatient and in a short time want to achieve tangible results. Only professional bodybuilders know the whole process of muscle growth, the correct setting of classes and the correct approach to rest after training.

From what muscles grow in our body

Half a century ago, humanity did not havea clear answer to this question. People thought that by training, they transform fat into strong muscles. Scientists of that time, not having good enough technique, made erroneous conclusions on this issue. Nowadays it is known that the growth of muscles depends on our gene apparatus.

Human muscles are twenty percentfrom the protein, everything else is water. Any muscle in the body is a muscle fiber, which consists of myofibrils. During training, it is important for the athlete to build up his muscles, and this is made possible by myofibrils. But too large muscles are not chosen as a priority by evolution, so there is a certain gene that does not allow the muscles to grow unlimitedly. That's why athletes use proteins. That's why muscles do not grow when the athlete is at home and does not use extra proteins.

How many muscles grow

Of course, there will be no endless growth. But still the athlete must keep them in good shape. This means that stress helps them grow in volume. To do this, the lessons should be intense, but in no case harm the health of the trainee.

Very important for muscle growth hormones: testosterone and insulin, insulin-like growth factor IGF-1. Having them in the right amount is the condition for muscle growth. Testosterone increases the volume of the muscle itself, insulin increases the rate of amino acid advance into the cells of the tissues. But do not overdo with anabolics, because it is harmful to health.

Eating protein

Practically in any training club the sportsmancan buy themselves protein and other nutritional supplements. They are used to make the muscles grow after heavy loads. When you eat a sufficient amount of calories, the body can take advantage of the protein as a source of energy. Food should contain a sufficient amount of protein. This is a factor for a worthy muscle growth. When you strain the body part being trained, blood flows there, supplying the tissues with amino acids. This leads to muscle growth.

Always take small breaks duringtraining. If you wake muscles always with the same strength and the same exercises, then, most likely, very quickly their growth will stop or even decline. Variety and alternation with rest are conditions for muscle growth. When you feel tired, you can not work hard enough in the gym. As a result, because of this, all training can be thwarted.

The best solution is to train withusing several approaches. Your "strength" grows under heavy loads, but also for this you are obliged to give your body time for a well-deserved rest. It is very important not to overdo it with training, otherwise you will "rape" your body and do not get the desired result. Your muscle tissue will not go into growth if you eat less than one and a half grams of protein per kilogram of your weight. There is a special protein drink. Use this drink should be strictly in the right amount before doing sports.

There is no one program for muscle growthsuitable for every person. You yourself in the process of training and reading specific literature will pick up for yourself the necessary loads, diet and the correct dosage of food additives. An integrated approach will help to achieve good results. But the most important thing is perseverance and hard work.

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