What could be worse than pain? According to statistics, the percentage of people who treat pain in their hands has doubled in the past three years. Today we will try to find out why the hands are hurting.

In fact, the reasons for the occurrence of pain inhands a huge variety, but the most common - muscle fatigue. Very often after some rest all the symptoms quickly go away. But if you are worried about constant pain in a certain area of ​​the hand, then such a question should be studied in more detail. It is not excluded and the option with arthritis, with his pain can quietly disappear and also unexpectedly appear. It is impossible to ignore the possibility of a hidden fracture, it is difficult to detect it on your own, and the injury is manifested only when there are loads on the damaged place. That is why you should always listen carefully to your body and know at least the main possible causes of pain, which we will consider below.

Why are the fingers sore?

Virtually 95% of all physical labor wewe carry out with the help of hands. Brush and fingers are the most mobile and fragile parts of the hand. It is very important to monitor the health of these parts of the body. Increasingly, not only the elderly, but also young people complain of pain in the joints and fingers. Why are the hands hurt?

  1. Gout. This disease often manifests itself in the form of pain in the joints of the fingers. In them there is a burning sensation, it is possible reddening of the skin and even fever. Often the disease spreads not only on the wrist, but also on the joints of the thumbs.
  2. Arthritis. Everyone knows the disease. It causes pain in the joints of the fingers, sometimes swelling, redness of the skin and even swelling of the joints. The severity of the disease often depends on the cause of the onset.
  3. Osteoarthritis. Causes a strong and constantly progressive deformation of the joints. Often the disease develops not quickly, gradually. In the initial stages there are pains in the joints of the fingers (mostly symmetrical), often there is a feeling of stiffness and numbness (especially in the mornings). At later stages, the wrist is deformed, the skin and muscles coarsen, and their thinning occurs.

In addition to the above reasons, there are manyother diseases that can cause pain in the hand or in the fingers. For example, the so-called "tunnel syndrome" is becoming more common, which is one of the main reasons why the joints of the hands of modern youth are hurting. This syndrome arises from the regular repetition of stereotyped movements (a vivid example is working with the mouse). Most often manifested in the form of sensitive disorders (here you can include various pecking pains, numbness, tingling, etc.), motor disorders (weakness, loss of full functionality), as well as trophic changes (noticeable dips in muscles, volume decrease, P.).

Why does the left arm hurt?

If you only have a specific arm, you needalways consult a doctor. The cause of pain in the left hand can be a trifle like a bruise, a pinched nerve or similar pain can signal future problems with the heart and other organs.

Why the right arm hurts

Causes of pain in the right hand are almost identicalreasons of pain in the left, only with some comments. Since the right arm is the main worker, it can have quite specific syndromes, for example "writing syndrome". Of course, such a statement is valid only if you are right-handed. If you are left-handed, then the situation will look exactly the opposite.

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