Often people who engage in sports, but do not pull themselves up on the bar, are faced with the problem of mastering this exercise. Let's talk about where to start a beginner.

Types of grips

First of all, you need to master three basic grips.

  • The first grip is called ordinary - the position of the hands with it is slightly wider than the shoulders, legs together. Tightenings are carried out to the chin or to the chest. The beginner is recommended to pull up to the chin.
  • There is a so-called reverse grip. It is focused on muscles of biceps and for the beginner it seems the most simple, however this grasp is recommended to do after the standard grip has been mastered.
  • A wide grip is recommended for those who want to develop the back muscles in more detail. Its variety - a narrow grip - is also designed for detailed muscle development.

For the beginner, the most appropriate is the usualgrasp. It allows you to develop muscles quite quickly and in the best way. At first, you can help yourself with your body, make small jerks to pull up. Very well in the pull-ups helps the ladder method.

How to learn to pull on a bar: tips

For the first approach, you need to do one pull-up,for the second - two, for the third - three, for the fourth - four, for the fifth - five and so on. It is necessary to realize the maximum possible number of approaches and repetitions. At first, you can get a maximum of five repetitions at a time. In this there is nothing terrible, because pull-ups are quite a difficult exercise and take time to master.

Should be pulled in special gloves, so as not to rub your hands. However, over time, the gloves should be disposed of so that the hands can get used to the horizontal bar.

Number and quality of pull-ups

An important role in pull-ups is played not by the numberrepetitions, and their quality. No need to hurry. Do every repetition you need slowly, that is, perform the exercise without jerking. Jerks in pulling up hurt the joints. If during the pull-up you feel that your joints are experiencing discomfort, you need to either increase the grip, that is, make it wider, or make a grip already. It is not necessary to try to fulfill the output of force or pull-ups on one hand.

While pulling, try to feelmuscles of the back. Gradually you must stop helping yourself with your body and legs. Ideally, your legs should be straight during pull-ups. Once you get to fifteen repetitions in one approach, pulling up the usual grip can be considered mastered. Then you can move on to other types of grip. If you want to learn how to pull up more, we recommend reading the article How to increase the number of pull-ups.

Thus, in pull-ups, the most important thing is nothurry. It is important to remember the quality of the exercise and safety, since pull-ups are a fairly complex physical exercise. Rushing is fraught with consequences for the joints and muscles, so training should not be intensive, but calm. The first results can be achieved after two months of regular classes.

We recommend you read other articles on the topic:

  • How to pull up on a horizontal bar on one hand
  • How to practice on horizontal bars
  • How to learn to pull yourself together
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