Regression, regression - whether related by valuethese words? Yes, of course, connected. These are root words derived from the Latin root regressus, which means "backward movement." Only the meaning of the word "regression" is already a few.

Let us understand in more detail what regression is.

The meanings of the word "regression"

  • In psychology, regression is called protectivehuman mechanism of his mind when a person is in such a difficult situation that starts to behave as you would normally never led. For example, a child who has committed misconduct, often starts pretending that he is sick, to forgive him, and regret.
  • Regression is also called the process of the retreat of the sea, when shifts occur in the earth's crust. For example, annually scientists fix the regression of the Black Sea.
  • Regression is also a mathematical, technicalterm. It denotes a relationship between variables that allows you to predict the future behavior of these variables. For example, a regression can be represented as a simple equation that shows the relationship between two groups of numerical variables.

Also you might be interested in the article What is regression.

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