Culturology is a relatively young branch of knowledge that appeared in the west in the second half of the 20th century, and in Russia it was recognized by science only in the 80s-90s of the last century.

What is culturology? Below is the definition of culturology, its meaning and its goals.

Culturology as a science

Culturology is a set of scientific knowledge about the culture created by mankind, its history, essence, laws of existence and development.

To more accurately understand what cultural studies are, you must first determine what culture is.

The notion of "culture" has many meanings, but inculturology it is regarded as the whole historically formed social experience of mankind, which includes a set of knowledge, beliefs, moral and legal concepts, everyday habits, as well as material objects created by man, and technologies for their production. The creation of culture is often seen as the meaning and purpose of the development process of human society.

Human culture is comprehended in art, literature, fixed in moral norms, law, religion, rules of everyday behavior.

Read a special article What is culture.

What studies culturology

Culturology studies the general theory of culture, and not specific cultural systems that have arisen at different times among different peoples (this is the subject of other sciences).

The tasks of cultural studies:

  • identification of general trends and patterns of cultural development;
  • the definition of the role of culture in the life of society;
  • the study of the types of cultures and the structure of culture as a separate phenomenon;
  • development of special scientific concepts and terms, adequately describing cultural processes.
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