Dialectics is one of the many foreign languageswords in Russian, borrowed from the Greek language. This word is multivalued. What is dialectics, what are its various meanings, in what cases is the word used? Read about this in the article.

The word "dialectic" is of Greek origin- dialektike, in translation means "the art of argument, reasoning." The term was first used by the ancient Greek philosopher Socrates, who believed that the truth can be understood by seeking answers to opposing points of view.

The meanings of the word "dialectic"

  • Dialectics is the doctrine of development, formationall in this world. It is based on the idea that the basis of any development are contradictions, their overcoming. For example: "The laws of dialectics are the law of unity and struggle of opposites, the law of denial of negation and the law of transition of quantity to quality."
  • It is also a science that studiesthe most general laws of the development of nature and society. For example: "The laws of dialectics lie at the basis of a science that studies the course of the processes of the development of society and nature."
  • It is a method of studying all existingThe universe in terms of comprehension of impulses, stimuli of development and change. For example: "Dialectics, as a method of cognition of regularities in the world, allows us to understand the essence of many conflicts occurring in society."
  • Finally, dialectics is the art of arguing. This value is obsolete, in modern speech it is almost not used. For example: "Both opponents owned the art of dialectics, so the lecturer was difficult to object to them."

The meanings of many other words can be found in the articles from the Definitions section on our website.

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