The word "hall" comes from the English hall, thatin translation means "hall". In the Russian language, the meaning of this word has been preserved: if to speak in general, it is possible to define the hall as a hall, a spacious room.

However, we can identify more specific meanings of this word - we'll talk about them.

What is the hall: values

  • Premises for waiting, meeting and rest inpublic building (it could be hotels, hotels, universities, libraries, etc.). So, most often the hall is located on the first floor. Entering the room, a person enters the hall immediately. In such a hall, the walls can have sofas and armchairs, and there can also be hangers or a dressing room.
  • Also, the hall can be called a large front in the house or apartment.
  • In the early Middle Ages the hall was called a largeroom under a high roof; this room was intended for meetings of members of the Anglo-Saxon clan. Later, a hall in a traditional English house was called a reception room with a staircase leading to the upper floor.

Instead of the word "hall", the words "lobby" and "front" are often used as synonyms.

Also this word is used as a toponym, that is,name of the geographical object. So, in the USA there are three districts of Hall, they are located in the states of Texas, Georgia and Nebraska. In addition, Hall is a fairly common American surname.

If you want to know the meaning of other words you do not know, look in our section Definitions - in alphabetical order, there are values ​​of different terms and unfamiliar words.

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