Every athlete should know that you need to use a cap to protect your teeth. Let us consider in more detail what a kapa is and what it is used for.

Kapa is a device made of flexible plastic,which is fixed in the oral cavity and serves to protect the teeth. Such a protector of the oral cavity is used not only in martial arts, but also in many sports, for example, in hockey, baseball, basketball, American football, gymnastics. Kapa is able to protect even from a strong blow, which is extremely important for the athlete.

At the moment there are three types of cap: standard, thermoplastic, double and individual.

Kinds of Cap

Standard kapy - devices thatare issued without taking into account individual characteristics. They have a certain pattern-the workpiece, which makes the kapy. They divide such kapy into small, medium and large ones. Such kapy quickly wear out, so they need to be changed regularly.

Thermoplastic lids are also made fromplastic and have a characteristic feature: they must be boiled in water, so that they take a special shape, similar to the shape of your jaw. These kapy are convenient, but also able to wear out quickly.

A good option is the double kapy: they are very strong, able to protect against strong attacks, but prevent breathing and it is very difficult to carry out any movement of the jaw in them. Therefore, during the movement the athlete is quite uncomfortable, and he will constantly feel pressure on the muscles of the jaw.

Individual kapy can not be purchased inshop, they are made by dentists on special casts. Their cost can be very high. Also for the manufacture of individual cap it will take a lot of time.

Use of Cap

Kapy need to be regularly changed, their maximum perioduse is 2-3 months. People who have not reached the age of majority should change their kaps more often, since their jaw continues to grow and teeth too, which means that one drop can not provide comfortable use. Kapa should be selected according to the size of the jaw, otherwise it can do much harm. Incorrectly selected capa can cause pain in the muscles of the jaw, the development of an incorrect bite. Kapa, ​​although it seems quite simple to use the device, it should be taken seriously.

More information on the production of cap can be found in the article How to cook a cap.

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