Probably, many read Pushkin's famous novel "Eugene Onegin" and thought about his name. Why is the novel called "Eugene Onegin"?

This novel is named after the heroPushkin represented the central character of his novel in verse, it is about his life that is narrated throughout the work. Evgeny is a young man, a representative of the "golden noble youth", his life is spent idly and gay at balls, restaurants and theaters. But nevertheless, he is not stupid, and such a life quickly bores him, he seeks new interests. In the image of the protagonist, there is a conflict between the environment and the personality, which was not only among Onegin, but also among many people, too. Onegin is a collective image of the young nobles of his time. Thanks to this novel is also called "Eugene Onegin."

Now we turn to the meaning of the name of the protagonist. From the Greek name "Eugene" means "noble", and his name comes from the name of the river of the North "Onega". The combination of this name and the name is very melodic, which is important for any poem, and this novel is known to have been written in verse. In addition, the surname "Onegin", as it were, emphasizes the prudence and coldness of the protagonist of this novel.

Let's sum up the question of why the novel is named after Onegin:

  • Eugene Onegin - the main character of the novel, the work tells about his life, the narrative is built around this character;
  • Eugene Onegin - a collective image of young noblemen of his time, he personifies a conflict between the environment and the person;
  • The sound of the name "Eugene Onegin" is melodic and beautiful, which is very important for the poetic form of the novel.
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