A smart card is not called a large plastic cardA card that contains a microcircuit. Such cards are usually used to enter the network, connect to some device, or simply along with the identification code. If you use a smart card, you thereby increase the security level. Agree, because stealing your smart card and PIN is much more difficult than just spying on the password.

What is a tricolor smart card?

A smart card is a plastic card, with a microchip inside. This card is one of the components of the receiving equipment. It is simply necessary to decode the television channels "Tricolor TV"

The card needs to be inserted into the DRECrypt module slot. The smart card contains an eight-digit code that serves to activate the Optimum package. The first year of service of the package is carried out without additional payment. And activated immediately after installation of the receiving equipment.

A special number of the receiving equipment, the identifier made by the manufacturer, is also indicated on the card.

This number should be indicated when paying for access to view the channels, and in case of contacting the Customer Support Service "Tricolor TV".

What is a smart card?

Smart cards are used on terrestrial speciestransport. Thanks to this you can not worry about the purchase of a travel document, before a trip, and even reduce the cost of paying for travel in trams, trolleybuses and buses. To do this, you need to purchase a special transport card, a smart card, in the cashier's office of SUE "Mosgortrans". You can use it to travel in any kind of land transport, except the monorail line of the metro.

You can buy a smart card on the websitecompany "Mosgortrans". But keep in mind, when you make a purchase, then you will be charged the collateral value of a smart card. And this means that you will have the opportunity to hand it over at any ticket sales point. And your money will be returned to you. If you want to charge your smart card, you can apply to this point at any of the ticket sales points and replenish the balance of transport cards of SUE "Mosgortrans". A card can be charged for one, two, five, ten, twenty or sixty trips. Also you can top up the balance of the smart card for any amount and use your card for three hundred and sixty-five days, and you have the right, for an unlimited number of trips.

Now you know what a smart card is.

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