This article will focus on one of themultivalued words. Multivalence is the ability of one word to contain information about various objects and phenomena. There are a lot of such polysemantic words in Russian, and today we will consider what a definition is.

The first and basic interpretation of the term "definition"

The first thing we should say is that the definition -This is a logical procedure, which is designed to give different terms a strictly fixed meaning. In the encyclopaedic dictionary it is said that this word is intended to establish the meaning of words that we are not yet familiar with using other, already known verbal units. For example, the definition of a thermometer will indicate that it is a device by which temperature is measured.

We give examples of several types of definition:

  • Intensive. It contains descriptions of properties and characteristics, explains the meaning of the term, indicates the nearest concepts.
  • Real. Displays characteristics and characteristics that make differences from other objects.
  • Axiomatic. It is built from logical expressions as a set of statements that contain the notion defined and defining in these statements.
  • Nominal. Defines the term, with the help of such definitions, new terms appear and signs are introduced that denote terms.

Definition in Russian

What is a "definition" from the point of view of the great andpowerful? This is the name of the secondary member of the sentence, which denotes the feature of the object. The definitions are explained by the other members of the proposal and always answer the questions "what?", "Whose?". They are of two kinds - agreed and uncoordinated. The first are combined in number, case or gender with a definable word. They can be expressed by an adjective, pronoun, participle or numeral. For example - "I found a red apple", "our road", "green forest", "give me a third book."

Uncoordinated definitions are always combinedeither with the main abutment, or with control. Expressed in a noun with a preposition and without it, an infinitive, an adverb, an adjective in comparative degree, a possessive pronoun and a whole word combination. For example: "Flight of a pilot", "I have a desire to walk", "a bigger house" and so on.

Uncoordinated definitions denote different characteristics:

  • A feature that indicates the characteristic of an object in relation to space
  • characteristic by material
  • A sign indicating that the object has external features and details
  • A sign that points to the contents of an object
  • a sign that indicates the purpose of the object, but only if they are expressed by a noun with prepositions in oblique cases

Definition in jurisprudence

What is a "definition" in the legal field? This is the name of the type of judicial act issued by the court on those issues that require resolution during the trial. But by definition, the matter is essentially not solved. The judicial definition can be drawn up both by drawing up a separate document, or by entering it into the protocol during the court session. In addition, the definition is still used in civil, criminal and administrative processes. In these cases, the final judicial act of the cassation court is called that.

Other definition values

It is also worth mentioning a few more valuesthis word. First, the definition is synonymous with such a thing as "measurement" - this is the clarification of the exact meaning of a certain value. Secondly, the definition is the appointment of a person to some kind of job or position.

In general, as you can see, our great and mightyRussian offers a variety of very different interpretations of the same word. We hope that you could replenish your knowledge bag with information about one of such multi-valued terms.

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