In this short article we will tell you which books are available by types and directions, and you will find out how many of them exist at all.

Scientific-popular and conventional scientific

Ordinary books, which are usually publishedand make up the bulk of the material that is available to students when writing any works. These kinds of books are divided into known and unknown. The well-known are well known in the circles of specialists on this issue, they are well replicated and are repeatedly reprinted. As for the unknown, it is, as a rule, the book of scientific publicists.

Dictionaries, reference books and encyclopedias

These are the types of books with which you can quickly and easilyit is easy to get general information about the subject you are interested in and information about the literature available on this subject. To write off from such books is undesirable, as it will be necessary to quote repeatedly, and this is considered a bad form.

Books of classics

In any case, each, even the narrowest sphereknowledge, has accepted by all the authorities. Suppose, if you write any scientific work, then without books, the author of which is the pioneer in the topic that you describe, you simply will not do without, as he is a classic of this genre and the kind of work. Classics must be read, and if you do not read, then you should still look, as you will have the opportunity to flash knowledge of authorities.

Documents and sources

The texts are divided into those that are being researched, andthose in which these texts are examined. It can be said that there are research texts and research texts. When a text becomes an object of research, it acquires a classification of the source. The source is the text that you research in your work. A document is a text in which you can not change anything, and when you use the document in your work, you should as accurately transfer the text and meaning written in it. Documents are used for theory and give direct quotes from them, while sources are subjected to research using information obtained from documents.

Old books

These are books that have been professionally fit for a long timeare obsolete, and they are rarely used to create scientific works. But sometimes old books on humanitarian and social issues can still help you in resolving any issue. Sometimes old books are viewed only on film, the so-called microfilm, in which the pages and texts of old books have been moved. You simply view them as a filmstrip.

Foreign books

These are books written in a foreign language, with no analogues in Russian. Such books have to be translated.

Bibliographic Indices

Books in which lists of certainliterature on various issues. That is, they are books that describe which books are in which order they are easier and faster to find. Such books are sectoral, universal and thematic, as well as retrospective and current. Description of the sources of books in them is organized in a variety of ways. It can be an alphabet, subject, systematics, author or title.

Abstracts, dissertations and deposited manuscripts

These are the types of works and books that people write to obtain a degree or some kind of praise, encouragement to report in the presence of their own publications.

In principle, that's it! We hope, with the help of our article, it will be easy for you to understand what books there are.

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