At the end of 1901, Vladimir Ulyanov took the pseudonymLenin. At this time, he signed his printed work in this way. Where did this name come from? There are a lot of versions on this score, let's look at the question.

Why Lenin Lenin: the history of a pseudonym

The history of this pseudonym is to start withrefutation of the popular "family", so to speak, version of the origin of the name "Lenin" from Ulyanov. In the memoirs, the family giving was preserved, according to which the pseudonym Lenin was taken from the name of the Lena River, where a group of strikers was shot. Jacobs Vladimir Ilyich Ulyanov was so shocked by this event that after reading about them in a note from Korolenko, he took himself a new surname. But historians argue that the events described on the Lena River occurred in 1912, and the pseudonym was taken earlier. There remain 3 versions, which have not been completely challenged so far ...

Why Lenin (Ulyanov) took the pseudonym - imitation

Some researchers believe that Ulyanovtook the pseudonym because of simple imitation. For the first time Lenin's signature was attested in 1901 in a letter to Georgy Plekhanov. Plekhanov at that time had the pseudonym Volgin, which he coined under the name of the great Russian Volga river. By analogy with this, Ulyanov also named himself in honor of the Russian river Lena. This version has a place to be.

Why Ulyanov Lenin - borrowing

It is said that Ulyanov used about a hundredvarious pseudonyms, signing articles: and Silin, and Ivanov, and Petrov, and Karpov, but whatsoever! In his works he often quoted the well-known public figure and agrarian Sergei Nikolaevich Lenin. Therefore, there is reason to believe that Ulyanov borrowed his real name because of his great sympathy for the views.

Why Lenin was called Lenin - the case in the passport

And, finally, the most realistic, according to manyresearchers, version. Think about it, because at the very beginning Ulyanov signed his articles, documents, books not just with Lenin's surname, he added the initial "H". This can serve as proof of the latest version ...

In 1900, Vladimir Ilyich needed urgentlygo abroad. Ulyanov, of course, had fears that, because of his political sins, the issuance of a passport would be difficult, and he would not be allowed to leave his homeland. Well, we had to look for some workarounds. A simple way was found quite unexpectedly ...

During this period, Nadezhda Krupskayamet with his longtime friend Olga Nikolaevna. She was imbued with the Social-Democratic movement that was born in Russia, and decided to help in the difficulties Ulyanova. Olga Nikolayevna stole the passport of her father, Nikolai Yegorovich Lenin, and forged the necessary data, namely the date of birth. Since that moment, pseudonym Lenin has firmly established himself behind Ulyanov. To sign the articles by surname Lenin was not difficult, the owner of the printing house was given a passport of the real state councilor Nikolai Lenin.

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