Fancoils: what is it?
Very many people enjoy in the summer heatconditioners. Air conditioners are installed at home, at enterprises and in offices, so that employees can work comfortably. However, in stores where air conditioners are sold, you can also see a thing like a fan coil in addition to air conditioners. Looking at this equipment, an ordinary person will not see the difference between a conventional air conditioner and a fan coil. But the fan coil performs very important functions indoors.
Let's consider in more detail what this "fan coil" is, how it works, what differs from a conventional air conditioner and what is a chiller-fan coil system.
What is a fan coil?
The word "fan coil" came to us from the English languageand contains in its composition two words: "fan" - a fan and "coil" - a heat exchanger. This device regulates the air in the room. As you can see from the name, the fan coil consists of a fan, a heat exchanger and a filter.
The ambient air in the room entersthe heat exchanger of the fan coil, and then either heats up or cools, depending on the ambient temperature and program of the device. To solve the problem of air ventilation, the fan coil is often connected to the central air conditioner, which delivers fresh air to the fan coil.
Types of fan coils
- wall;
- cassette;
- channel;
- floor-ceiling;
- open-frame;
- cabinet floor.
Most often in the premises use channel fancoils, hull and open-frame.
However, fan coils can not in themselves coolair. Without additional equipment, the fan coil can only heat it. For cooling, a chiller is used - a special refrigeration machine for the fan coil. Next, let's take a closer look at the chiller-fan coil system.
System chiller-fan coil
The system of chiller-fan coil most often consists of the following elements:
- Chiller is a refrigeration unit that cools the liquid, which is most often used as water.
- A pump or a pumping station for large systems is used to drive chilled liquid to the fan coil.
- The fan coil, which serves to regulate the air in the room.
- Pumps for circulating coolant inside the fan coil and back to the refrigeration unit.
- Boiler.
- Duct system, if the room is large, or you need to control the air in several rooms or even in a building.
- Devices that regulate the flow, temperature and analyze the ambient air.
- Pipeline system for air circulation.
- A control system that allows you to control the entire chiller-fan coil system in a building or room.
This chiller-fan coil system can be installed inany premises or buildings, because there is no universal configuration scheme for this device. It can be adjusted to specific conditions.
Any chiller can also be connected to severalfan coils to supply coolant to other rooms, however, they often install a huge single system for large buildings of several fan coil units and chillers. The management of this system deals with a certain person or computer automatic system.
Also you can read our useful article. What kind of conditioner is better and look at the section Household appliances.