Religions currently exista large number that a person inexperienced in matters of religion is extremely difficult to make a choice. Religious studies classifies religions in three main directions: tribal, national and world. In this article, we will discuss who to believe from the point of view of world religions, namely, Buddhism, Islam, Christianity.

Who do they believe in?


In Buddhism there is no idea of ​​the existence of Godas the Creator of all life and steward by his creation. Instead, there is worship of the Buddha, a person who gained enlightenment as a result of many years of deep reflection. What is the faith of Buddhists based on? They believe that everything earthly, the suffering of people and their desires, is nothing but a burden, fetters, which must be thrown off to achieve true freedom. Following the teachings of Buddhism, a person will achieve this inner freedom only by getting rid of all earthly attachments. This is how the path to nirvana is propagated, a state of complete tranquility, peace and the absence of any passions.


The emergence of Islam dates back to the 7th century AD. e. This is the youngest of the world's religions. Its founder is Muhammad, who became a prophet in 40 years. Before that, he had led a very ordinary life, had a wife and managed the household. But Muhammad never called himself God, but only his prophet. He claimed that he had been sent by Allah to deliver important messages. During the life of Muhammad, his speeches were transmitted verbally, they were considered the words of Allah himself, and later even recorded. Thus appeared the Koran, consisting of the Sunnah - a collection of instructive stories about the life of the prophet, and the Shari'ah - a set of principles and rules of conduct, mandatory for every Muslim.

Muslims believe in Allah, consider Muhammad as his prophet and observe five basic rites:

  1. They say that there is no God except Allah and that Muhammad is his prophet.
  2. Fasting in the month of Ramadan.
  3. They perform Hajj (pilgrimage to Mecca).
  4. They give alms to the poor.
  5. They perform daily five times prayer (prayer).


Christianity is split into several confessions: Catholicism, Orthodoxy, Protestantism. Despite the numerous differences in these directions, all Christians are united by faith in God who sent the Son of Jesus Christ to the earth to redeem people from their sins. Christians believe that only the shed blood of Jesus is able to reconcile them with the Most High God.

A holy book in Christianity is the Bible. It contains the words of the Creator, which were written down by the prophets under the inspiration of the holy spirit. It teaches people how they can approach God and receive his approval.

Learn more will help article - What are the religions.

Question of faith

What is faith? True faith can not be confused with credulity, because it is based on facts, has evidence and can fully substantiate one's beliefs. Faith arises from the obtaining of exact knowledge of God, in which the mind is involved. However, if the mind develops the faith, then it can only be manifested by the heart.

How a person develops faith

If a person lacks faith, but he wants to develop it, then for this he needs to take several steps.


Ask for this in prayer with God. Such prayers are pleasing to the Creator, because they show that his creation needs it.

Holy Bible

It contains wisdom superior tohuman. Many people, reading the Bible, found answers to questions that worried them for years, managed to cope with life's difficulties, found the meaning of life and the joy of being. Also the Bible contains many instructive stories, reading which one can understand what God approves and what does not. If you are attentive and make your heart receptive, you can understand the way of thinking of our Creator. This will help to strengthen faith and make relations with God closer.

Meditating on God

The lack of faith is due to the fact that a personsimply does not think about his relationship with God. It is necessary to be able to see the good that is around us, appreciate it and be grateful. If we act not according to our own desires, but as God teaches us, we receive blessings, and with it our faith also grows stronger. It also strengthens when we face trials and successfully overcome them by relying on God.

More information on this topic you can find in our article - How to believe in God.

Choice of religion

Quite often people care about this question - enoughDo you just believe in God or need to belong to a religion? Because God loves order in everything, it's no surprise that he took care that people could worship him in an organized way. Since the beginning of human history, people have come together to worship God, as it is today. But how to determine which religion to choose? You can pay attention to some important questions, and if the answer is yes, then you can think that the choice of religion is right.

  1. Are the teachings of this religion based on the Word of God? If the teachings are based on the words of God, and not of people, then this religion teaches not human wisdom. To understand whether this is really so, you need to compare God's words recorded in the Bible with the basic teachings of religion.
  2. Does religion tell about God as a Person, ohis intentions, qualities and deeds? If religion teaches us to rely on God, reveals his name, intentions, goals and qualities, this will undoubtedly help to strengthen faith and learn to rely on God in everything.
  3. If it is a question of the Christian religion, does it recognize the role of Jesus Christ as the Savior and Son of God? This is an important aspect, since the relationship with the Creator itself depends on this.
  4. The teachings of the Bible are a way of life in thisreligion or is it all about performing rituals? Formal worship can deceive people, but not God, so it is important to show faith not by show, but from the heart.
  5. Does the religion of love teach the world? Many denominations call for this, but do their cases show that they follow their calls. It is important to love people regardless of their racial, religious or social affiliation, and to maintain peaceful relations with all people.

More information on this subject you can find in the article of our resource - Why I believe in God.

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