Some believers believe that not soit is important how exactly a person crosses himself with the cross and when he does it. In fact, people who are ignorant or those who simply do not know how and when to be baptized are right. Many saints said that all church activities and sacraments should be carried out according to the rules and with reverence, for only in this way can we show our true faith and love for God.

How to be baptized in the church correctly

In order to properly illuminate yourself with the sign of the cross, you need to put the index, big and middle fingers together, but the ring finger and little finger should be pressed tightly to the palm of your hand.

Initially, the hand is applied to the center of the forehead,then to the stomach slightly above the navel. After that, the fingers, folded in the manner described above, are applied to the right shoulder, and then to the left. To shade yourself or other people with the sign of the cross follows slowly. Priests say that people who perform this action in a hurry, please demons.

But it is not enough to know how to be baptized in the church; it is necessary to understand when exactly it is necessary to do it.

When it is necessary to be baptized in the church

If you do not know when it is necessaryto be baptized in the temple, it is easiest to follow the actions of priests during the service. If they cross themselves, then the parishioners should do the same. But sometimes, especially during large worship services, one can not always see their actions. Therefore, many parishioners also want to know when exactly it is necessary to overshadow themselves with the sign of the cross in a church or a temple.

  1. It is necessary to be baptized at the time of reading by the priest of the sixth psalm and during the singing of the Symbol of Faith.
  2. It is also necessary to overshadow yourself with the sign of the cross in those moments when the priest pronounces the words: "By the power of the Honest and Life-giving Cross."
  3. It is necessary to be baptized during the beginning of the singing of the pares.
  4. It is necessary to be baptized not only before entering the church, but also after you left its walls. Even passing by any temple, it is necessary to cross once.
  5. After the parishioner is attached to the icon or the cross, he must also cross himself, without fail.

But to cross yourself with the sign of the cross follows not only in the church, but also at home.

When to get baptized at home

There are no strict rules on this matter. But many prayer-books contain information that an Orthodox person should overshadow himself with the sign of the cross, being at home, in the following cases:

  • immediately after awakening and immediately before going to bed;
  • at the beginning of the reading of any prayer and after its termination;
  • before and after eating;
  • before you start any work.

But it is not enough just to know how and when to be baptized, it is necessary to do it right. It's only in this case that the cross really protects you from evil and evil thoughts.

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