Conquered the hearts of many gamers, the game Mainkraftwith each passing day gaining momentum. Sometimes the game moments need to be recorded, that is, it is the process of its passage that is to be shot on video. Those who are "in the subject" will understand what is at stake, and what sometimes problems this procedure brings.

So, in order to learn how to shoot a video inmaynkraft, you need to initially make room for the future video. Please note that 1 minute of video recorded from the game will take at least 1 GB of RAM.

When the place is "cleared", it is worth paying attention toon the choice of a special program, with the help of which the entire process is produced. The most popular and easy to use are two similar programs, such as:

  1. Fraps. Advantages of the program are good video quality, as well as a convenient, simple interface that will allow even a beginner to figure out what's what. From the disadvantages, you can determine the factor that sometimes the video is poorly formatted, which is important when changing their size and format.
  2. Bandicam - analogue of the first program, but hasmore sophisticated interface with additional advanced options. Thanks to this service, which can also be downloaded on the Internet for free, you can record video while in the game, as much as the computer's RAM allows. Of the shortcomings noted frequent buggies, which affects the very quality of the video.

When everything is decided with the program, and it is safeinstalled on your computer, you can go to the most interesting process - the record. Running the program itself, you can safely load the game and at the right time to record by pressing the appropriate key combination.

In fact, ways to create a video recordingvirtual toys much more, but the principle of all of them is the same - a good recording quality requires large amounts of memory. Everyone judges the advantages and disadvantages of this or that program, from their personal experience.

Willing to share experiences or ask friendshints, do not forget that before you post video on the Internet, it must be formatted and compressed size, otherwise the traffic spent on its transfer will be huge.

In addition, read the articles:

  • How to make a video about Meincraft
  • How to create a video in Minecraft
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