Cat Simon is a cartoon hero, although his behaviorvery similar to the movement of a real cat. The thing is that the creator of the animated series - Simon Tofield - drew this hero, spying on his three cats.

How to draw a Simon cat, we'll tell you just below. Playful and always hungry cat can draw and the child, and the one who first took up such a job.

  • It is most convenient to begin with Simon's eye. Draw two circles together, and mark with the dots of the pupils. Then from the eye up we draw triangular ears. Do not make them straight, let them be slightly inclined, as if the cat pressed them to the head. After all, our hero always gets into awkward situations.
  • How to draw Simon's cat so that it will turn outnatural appearance? You must remember to make him a trunk and a tail. Starting from the same eye, draw a line down that will be the beginning of Simon's front paw. Draw a second paw, make your fingers. Let the cat sit on the ground, leaning on the paws.
  • Now you need to draw a back to Simon, makeits convex. Now draw a rounded hind paw. Draw the tail. It is very significant - large, curved. We finish small details: nose, small mouth, tummy. Still it is possible to draw a grass and to designate a place on which the cat sits.

In the instructions we told how to draw a catSimon step by step. The cat is very similar to his character. It is not difficult to portray it, there are no pretentious or difficult details in this character. Paint the cat and it will become lively and cheerful.

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