The worm is one of the best and universalattachments. On it during the period of open water it is possible to catch different fish. A worm is also good in winter, in particular, when catching bream, for which several worms are a favorite treat.

If you live in a large city, dig up wormsfor fishing it is impossible, even in the summer. Not to mention the winter. It remains to buy, but the price of a worm in the winter becomes more than high. In this case, you have to catch either a cheaper bait, or try to breed worms yourself.

How to breed earthworms

For storing and breeding earthworms, you needuse strong containers. You can use conventional buckets or basins. There are specialized containers for breeding worms. They are very convenient, but you can do without them, using more accessible means.

In the capacity for worms must be pawnedland poor in humus. Moreover, the earth in which earthworms live, it is necessary to mix regularly, and the more richer the soil is in humus, the more difficult it is to do it carefully. It is also recommended that the earth be without roots and leaves.

Many advise to pour on the bottom of the surface of crushed stoneor sand. We draw your attention to the fact that this is strictly prohibited. Sand is completely contraindicated, since grains of sand can damage the digestive system of worms, and rubble or sand create difficulties with mixing.

Regular mixing of the earth is necessary forfavorable state of health of worms. The thing is that worms often try to get into tight knots, while secreting mucus. Inside such a heap, the temperature rises, the conditions for breathing deteriorate, and the worms begin to die. To prevent this from happening, it is advisable to mix the earth with your hands, and if you find such a pile, gently rinse it.

Also very important is the issue of feeding worms. Oddly enough, worms are omnivorous, and they can be fed with various food waste, the remnants of cereals, crumbled bread, yogurt, cottage cheese, - any food will do, most importantly, that they are not salty. If you want to specially prepare for worms, then the best solution is the Hercules. You can also feed worms and bran - they are now easy to buy, and they are cheaper than the oatmeal. One ten-liter bucket is enough for 4 handfuls of bran or oatmeal.

A very important task is to prevent the land from drying up. It regularly needs to be moistened with water. To do this should be very carefully, excess or lack of moisture can lead to the death of worms.

Feed worms once a week, but wateringand stir the earth, you need 2-3 days. This depends on many factors, for example, humidity in the apartment and air temperature. If a lump of earth does not pour in your hand, and no water comes out from it, then the moisture for worms is more than comfortable.

So, how to breed worms for fishing, we have alreadywe know, but we must strive to ensure that the stock of worms constantly had a renewal in a natural way. Simply put, it is necessary that worms not only live, but also multiply. To stimulate reproduction, it is possible to add low-fat milk, kefir or cottage cheese to the diet of worms.

Now you know how to breed worms. After all, every fisherman dreams of having an unlimited supply of a perfect attachment. Successful catching!

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