It is commonly believed that the name of Alain is the people'sform of the name Elena, which, in turn, came from the Greek word "helenos", meaning "light." But there is another opinion, according to which the name of Alain is in no way connected with the name of Elena. Alena is the ancient Russian name of the dawn goddess. Even the ancient tribes in the European part of Russia were called "alyons". The name Alain means "fiery," "scarlet." We will consider today the meaning of the name Alain, and not Elena.

What is the name of Alain?

Childhood of Alena. This is a very calm and quiet girl, just a joy for the parents. Little Alyonushka is loved by everyone, and in kindergarten, and at school she is a sunny pet, a real shy.

Communication with Alena. When Alena gets older, modesty does not go anywhere. She is still closed, she does not talk to strangers. Therefore, at first glance, it may seem that Alain is, in principle, uncommunicative and closed. It was not there! In a well-known company, a girl named Alena is cheerful, open and cheerful. Alain will never reveal herself to a stranger, she is vulnerable, so she does not want to denude her weaknesses. But Alena has close friends and girlfriends who find in her a kindred spirit, an excellent companion and a loyal friend.

The personality of Alena is amazing. For her self-knowledge is very important. She can dig into herself, not for months, but for her whole life! Alena is able to empathize, she is receptive and impressionable. Alain never begins to portray feelings, in this sphere she is always sincere and open with her family. Alien's side is always cozy, warm and really calm. There is no artificiality and versatility in it. She just loves to make gifts. Choosing them - a real pleasure for Alena, almost always she guesses what man needs. Choosing gifts, she thinks about the person, about his desires, and not about his.

Let's see what Alain's name in the sphere of career means. Women like Alena like a lot, but activity can get bored very quickly. Alain seeks to learn a lot. If Alena becomes a leader, she does not demand, but explains everything in detail and meticulously. She constantly analyzes everything, considers from the point of view of logic. The closest thing to Alena is philosophy, psychology, design, archeology.

Love. Since his youth, Alain has attracted the views of men. They can not miss this amazing combination of sensuality, sexuality, tenderness, unpredictability and grace. In family relations, Alain is a leader, and very responsible. Alain is well versed in men. She has a strong character, she will never allow herself to be offended, she recognizes the whole essence of any man. Alain passionately wants to see in her husband a good lover and a person with high spirituality at the same time. Alena is a wonderful wife, a loving mother and an excellent housewife.

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