New Year is the time of miracles! And everyone wants this New Year to be unforgettable. But, as one famous proverb says: "Do not wait for miracles - chide yourself!" One of such wonders could be a Christmas tree, but not simple, but made of chocolates! About how to make a tree of candy, you will learn in this article.


To make a sweet Christmas tree from sweets, you will need:

  • Cardboard.
  • Bottle.
  • Double sided tape.
  • Tinsel.
  • Sweets - any, both chocolate, and usual sugar candies. You can also choose the color yourself, but if the wrapper is green, the Christmas tree will look more natural.

For the base, you can take a cone made of cardboard, or you can use a bottle. Similarly, the very "body" of a tree can consist only of sweets, and can alternate with a festive tinsel.

Pay attention to the size of sweets and grounds(a cone or a bottle). If the base is very small and the sweets are very large, they will not fit neatly beautiful tiers, forming needles of the fir-tree. They will stick to an ugly, nothing like a pile.

Getting Started

In general, the algorithm of actions that will help you make a Christmas tree of candy is quite simple:

  • Prepare the base of the tree. If you decide to make it from cardboard, then carefully fold the cone and fix it. Make sure it is even, otherwise your Christmas tree will be crooked. If you decided to take the bottle for a base, then it does not require special preparation.
  • The base of the tree (cone or bottle) is necessarywrap in a spiral double-sided tape in the direction up. Try to touch as little as possible the sticky surface of the tape with your hands, otherwise it will be problematic to attach candies to it.
  • Now glue the sweets with tiers startingfrom below. Make sure they lie flat and beautiful. If you have large sweets, it is best to glue them in a checkerboard pattern. If the long-legged small candies - it can be one above the other, with overlap. But when the candy from the upper tier falls between the candies of the previous one, as a rule, the composition looks more natural.
  • The top of the tree can be decorated with a bow or a small asterisk.
  • If you want to make a tree of sweets and tinsel, you should start with a tinsel of tinsel, after it - a tier of sweets, then again tinsel and so on until the very end.

This algorithm is only an approximate planwork. As in any other form of creativity, here you can show imagination and retreat from the conceived algorithm. Who knows, maybe in the course of the work you will come up with something unusual and original, and then you will create a master class to create the next miracle! The most important assistant in cases of this kind is your Inspiration! Create with pleasure and happy holidays!

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