Agree, the topic is very interesting. Many people will be mocked by the question of whether it is possible to marry a sister, or on close relatives. But this interests many, and deserves not a laugh, but a serious, objective analysis of the various aspects of this complex issue.


Historically, the tradition of marriages between loved onesrelatives was widespread in the ruling families of various states of the past. More often, it was done for the sake of "purity of blood" and retention of power. But what was accepted by the rulers, the people were strictly forbidden by morality and religion. The morality of Russian society still does not approve of closely related marriages, but, as always in the case of morality, it is impossible to define clear boundaries: someone calmly treats such marriages, and someone needs the absence of kinship until the seventh tribe.


The Family Code prohibits marriages between relativesrelatives. This means that it is impossible to enter into a legal marriage with the sister, it simply will not be formalized. At the same time, you can officially marry your cousin - this is allowed. But the impossibility of marriage legally does not mean that such relations are forbidden. It's just not possible to formalize it, but of course it's not forbidden to live together with a full married life by law.


From the point of view of biology, marriages between people,which are closely related, are undesirable, because of the similarity of the genetic material. After all, the greater the similarity of the genes of both parents, the greater the likelihood that genetic defects that have not been manifested by the parents will manifest in their child. This does not mean that the one who married his sister, be sure to be freaks. Just a chance for the emergence of chronic diseases in these children more. Also the question arises - can you marry a second cousin, without any genetic consequences? The answer is simple, you can, if you do not get the views of relatives.

Summing up, people who decided to start a family withbrother or sister, you need to seriously prepare for the complexities that follow and this decision. They will have to overcome public opinion, misunderstandings of relatives, run into doctors-geneticists ... One word, defend their right to happiness.

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