The wedding is the most important event in the life of the family, especially if it's been 23 years since its day. What wedding falls on this date and what can be presented to the couple as a gift. So:

23 years of the wedding and their celebration

Beryl is a mineral. In itself, it is not of great value, however, some of its varieties are considered expensive and rare ornaments. Beryl's anniversary falls on family life after 23 years of marriage. What kind of wedding can be after such a long time? On this day, the couple give each other jewelry, well, most importantly, love and tenderness. According to the traditions of celebrating the wedding, it is necessary to present a gift early in the morning, while everyone is asleep. Recognition of love at sunrise is more than romantic. Many people underestimate the importance of this ritual. Of course, the decoration should be beryl, or contain some part of this material. Also you can give your life companion some symbolic crafts made of beryl. Another feature in the gifts for 23 years is that any gift should be in duplicate. This symbolizes the spiritual connection of the spouses, because they have lived together for so many years.

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