Each of us probably heard more than once that growing older, the body and mind of a person begin to grow old, it becomes less mobile, and the health is worse every year.

We all take these facts for an indisputable truth and humbly wait for our coming of old age.

But, according to modern science, all these facts are very dubious and more like myths.

We listen to the opinion of Deepak Chopra, an American endocrinologist, a native of India and well versed in traditional Indian medicine.

Myth one: human health depends entirely on genetics

This is not true.

Despite the fact that we are born with certain sets of genes, but their development and implementation will depend on what lifestyle you choose.

Scientists have already become closer to understanding the expression of genes, the transformation of information from the genome into protein. Many factors influence this process:

  • thought processes,
  • emotionality,
  • stress resistance,
  • sleeping mode,
  • endurance to fiznagruzkam,
  • breath,
  • integration of body and mind.

We can say that we have the ability touse positive genes and suppress negative. This refers to the sphere of the study of a new science - epigenetics. In the end, we will soon come up to the task of controlling the development and aging of our cells.

Myth number two: getting older, you feel older

This is not true.

Each person has two ages - biological and chronological.

Age chronological - is the age ofpassport, and biological shows the state of your body, which includes different parameters - from blood pressure and cholesterol to a percentage of fatty tissue with bone density. All these factors are due to different indicators, among which the real age is not the most important.

The aging process of the body depends on your attitude towards aging, your expectations and beliefs, perception of time and energy level.

A person at the age of 50 can feel 35, and a 35-year-old wannabe feels 15 years older.

Myth three: The body begins to grow old over the years

This is not true.

A solid age does not necessarily imply weakness and disease.

No one will prevent you from doing sports, doing physical training.

It is known from experience that in men who are over 60, started to play sports, in a month and a half the level of strength grows twice. A half-hour walk only once a week prolongs life for 7 years.

Deepak Chopra: Myths about the age are greatly exaggerated

Myth Four: The brain inevitably degrades to old age

This is not true.

If you think that the brain cells graduallyyou are not quite right. According to recent studies, in some parts of the brain the production of new cells does not stop! Of course, cells die, but they are replaced by new ones.

To strengthen the brain, you must constantly train it.

Especially effective for the development and maintenance of brain activity will be the study of foreign languages.

Note that only a small proportion - 3-4% of diseases, including Alzheimer's, are caused by genetics. Most of them are determined by the way of life, emotions, stress, sleep and diet.

Myth Five: The energy of the body is gradually dying out

This is not true.

The indicator of our energy is not tied to age. It depends on your attitude to your body and your habits.

Quiet meditation, a healthy sleep, physical activity will help your body maintain a normal level of energy.

Myth Six: Old age and happiness are incompatible

This is not true.

There is no relationship between happiness andage. In fact, the "autumn" of your life can be the best period of time. It is important to eat right, take care of yourself and not lose social ties.

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