Love without reciprocity is an oppressive burden andA painful but useful life lesson. Sometimes it happens - we fall in love, and in return we get indifference. It does not always come out to tell yourself that it's time to seek a new love, and we continue to suffer and sigh about who is not needed. Everyone knows that it takes time to cool down, so as not to remember with pain about failure. But time does not always heal. So, why does not love go away?

There are different factors that affect theduration of such a painful feeling. For example, age. If you are only sixteen, then the attitude to life is still immature, as is the unstable self-esteem. It is important to understand that at a young age, every little thing seems special and significant, especially if it concerns feelings. Often, one of the settled pair suddenly decides to break the relationship, while the second is not ready for it. And then the love of the one who was thrown, can flare up with unprecedented force. It is necessary to clearly understand - a person who is not interested in you, will not become close afterwards. So you just have to wait and try to get distracted.

Some say that the first love does not pass. However, these are just words. The first feeling leaves a trace in the soul, will be remembered for its sharpness for life. But mature love, which will come later - will necessarily eclipse the youthful throwing. Of course, it happens that people stay together forever, having met in their youth. Only, rarely it happens. First love is a lesson, preparation for serious feelings, and not always prosperous.

But if you are lucky, and you are sure that yourlove is genuine and meaningful, know that true love does not pass. It just fades away, experiencing separation, reborn and grows with the years. And only when you meet a person who becomes her, you will be able to realize and live this feeling. After all, very often people confuse attraction and affection, hurt self-love with love. Stop and listen, how deep is the feeling? Only time will help to find the answer. And remember, you can not manage love, you can only try to restrain the ardor and hear your heart.

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