Many people are interested in how to strengthen hair so,to forget about all the existing problems associated with them. After all, strong hair - a pledge of beauty and good mood of the owner (or owner) of these hair. Let's talk in this article on how to strengthen hair from falling out. After all, many people with long hair know the situation when a lot of hair that has dropped out after combing remains on the comb. Therefore, the topic of how to strengthen hair fall out, is very relevant.

First, let's touch on those factors that have a bad effect on the health of our hair. After eliminating them from our lives, we will make the first and most important step in recovery. So, here they are:

  1. Stress. This is known to be the satellite of every person in our time. Stresses significantly reduce the body's immunity, and this leads to an inadequate level of production of the necessary hormones. Because of this, the hair on the head is thinning. Treat your life easier, do not take everything too much to heart. And then the hair will necessarily become healthier.
  2. Defective food. This factor must also be excluded from your life. Eat fully and give preference to food with a high level of vitamins. Because your hair so need them.
  3. Diseases of women. Hair often thin, for example, from a cyst in the ovaries. If you have any suspicions of any of the gynecological problems - always consult a doctor.
  4. Diseases of the pancreas, stomach, liver,duodenum. These diseases can also affect your hair, because in the body everything is very closely interconnected. Be sure to be treated and do not delay with treatment of diseases, if any.

By changing your life, by starting to eat right and curing your illnesses, you will make the hair stronger and they will become healthier.

How to strengthen the roots of hair

This can be done in several ways. You can either contact the specialists at the nearest beauty salon, or do it yourself at home. It often happens that the time to self-strengthen the roots of hair is not enough. After all, today both men and women work in the sweat of the face. In this case, you can go to the beauty salon, and there you will make the necessary procedures. If time suffices, you can use the folk remedies that we will now describe.

We strengthen hair folk remedies

Many, to strengthen the hair itself or, for example,to strengthen hair to the child, apply castor oil. Just warm it up a little and apply a brush to the roots of the hair. After that, the hair should be properly wrapped and left so for five or six hours. After that, wash the hair with shampoo, which includes an extract of any herbs. Similar masks from castor oil can strengthen your hair and make them thicker. The procedure is recommended to be performed approximately once a week for several months.

Also, it makes sense to rinse the hair in a decoction of vinegar and the root of the ayr. Or in a decoction of nettles. Many recommend making a decoction from the root of burdock, marigold flowers and cones of hops.

Interesting may be the fact that onethe Bulgarian healer recommended for strengthening hair to rub into their roots a mixture of one chicken egg, two tablespoons of castor oil, one teaspoon of glycerin and one tablespoon of vinegar. After that, the hair should be wrapped in a terry towel and hold it over the steam for a while. After the procedure, the mask should be washed off. They say that hair becomes thicker, silky and soft.

To medicinal plants that can help strengthen hair, you can refer:

  • Nettles;
  • Plantain;
  • Camomile;
  • Burdock;
  • Oregano;
  • Sage.

Tinctures and decoctions of these plants are capable ofgreatly strengthen your hair. After all, such herbs have been used successfully in folk medicine for many years. In addition to these herbs, you can also use self-made gruel from the pulp of bread (preferably black). It is also applied to the roots, then the head is wrapped for some time in a towel, and then washed off with warm water.

Maintain a healthy lifestyle and use the given recipes. Be sure, after a short time, your hair will strengthen and impress all around with its unprecedented beauty.

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