What do nits look like?
Modern level of hygiene and medicine gives peoplepossibility not to worry about many diseases. However, even now rare cases of diseases associated with parasites on the human body are revealed. One of these diseases - pediculosis, in simple terms - lice. These small insects live and develop in human hair, feed on blood and bring a lot of trouble to their master. The main sign of the appearance of "harmful settlers" are their eggs - nits. In order to detect parasites as early as possible and begin treatment, you should know what nits look like.
Eggs of lice at the initial stage to detectquite difficult. They are very similar to ordinary dandruff. White or yellowish vesicles are similar to skin particles. As a rule, they are firmly attached to the roots of the hair. That is why it is quite difficult to get rid of nits in a simple mechanical way. When adult insects on the head becomes many, they lay their eggs along the entire length of the hair and the nits begin to strike out.
Signs and symptoms of appearance of nits
- The most important symptom of infection with pediculosisis severe itching and irritation. As a consequence, a person begins to strongly comb the places of bites, and this can lead to the penetration of additional infection into the body.
- The time of development of a full-fledged insect from the nits is about 7 days. Therefore, after a week on the neck, shoulders and behind the person's ears, there are characteristic spots from the bites of parasites.
Particular attention must be paid to parents, becausechildren are the favorite "delicacy" of parasites. When nits are found, treatment should be started immediately. To date, this misfortune is not considered serious and is treated easily.