Yandex.Bar - a convenient toolbar, installed for most famous browsers. But it so happened that you no longer need it and are going to say goodbye to this fashionable thing. We will tell you how to remove Yandex.Bar, we will describe various methods of fighting this obsessive program.

Remove Yandex.Bar is not so easy

In your opinion, we unreasonably called the programYandex.Bar intrusive? Well, judge for yourself: the methods by which this magnificent product extends can be safely called viral. We are offered to install Yandex.Bar along with the installation of many other programs. Often simply there is no choice, the necessary "tick" is simply not removed or even absent. Yes, it happens and such! No wonder that users initially have a bad attitude to this program, because when you impose something of little use, there remains an unpleasant residue.

But we will consider more humane situations. For example, you need to delete Yandex.Bar only because it is boring. Yes, you have intentionally downloaded and installed it someday, and now you no longer want to use this program. There are several basic methods for removing Yandex.Bar.

Method one, ordinary

  1. Start Menu.
  2. Click on "All Programs".
  3. We find in the list of Yandex.Bar.
  4. Click, we find the line "Uninstall".
  5. We perform uninstallation, simply - we delete Yandex.Bar.

The second way, reliable

  1. Start - Control Panel - Programs and Components (for the early Windows - Add or Remove Programs).
  2. We are looking for in the list of Yandex.Bar.
  3. Click the "Delete" button. Done, Yandex.Bar was deleted.

Method three, effective

If suddenly your system does not display Yandex.Bar in the list of programs (this often occurs), then you need to download the program CСleaner. Download link.

  1. Install the program.
  2. Run, in the left menu we look for the line "Service"
  3. By default, you get to the "Remove Programs" submenu.
  4. We are looking for our malicious Yandex.Bar.
  5. On the right side of the screen, click Uninstall. Done!

Google Chrome, Yandex.Bar: how to remove?

There is some difficulty in removing Yandex.Bar. After uninstalling the program, the panel itself is not always removed from the browser. Most often it happens in Google Chrome. Yandex.Bar, how to remove you from Chrome? Easily.

  1. Launch Chrome.
  2. Setting (wrench at the top of the program window, right).
  3. Tools tab.
  4. Now the tab "Extensions".
  5. On the top right, click on "+".
  6. We are looking for Yandex.Bar, we press the "Delete" button, it is slightly lower.

Now we all know how to remove Yandex.Bar from your computer. I hope our article will help you in this difficult matter.

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