Very much knows what av av is and where it is used. But not advanced users of social networks do not know what this word means. Let's consider its definition in detail.

The word "av" is an abbreviation for the word "avatar". It denotes a miniature picture that reflects the essence of the person who chose it. Ava - an integral part of any Internet user, it is installed on the main page in social networks or add to the questionnaire when registering on other profiles.

The words av, avatar, avatar or avatar are synonymous and denote the same thing. Avatar is also called in the people "the soul of the user."

As ava can be used as your ownphoto, and an outside picture (if you wish to hide the person). Thanks to such images, the expanses of the Internet are full of interesting photos, and not faceless empty windows.

To choose an image for ava it is worth takingSeriously, since this is the face of your page. If the choice fell on a personal photo, then you need to do it in a certain way, you can find out about it in the article How to take a picture on an av.

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