There is an interesting site called"ask RU". Many, deceived by the opportunity to anonymously ask ticklish questions or openly respond to them, registered on this resource. But soon he was bored, and then the question arises: how to delete the page on the ask? But nothing at all. Because on this site you can only block your page. On this site, removal is simply not provided. But the blocked page is almost remote.

On your personal page you are giventhe ability to hide your profile. How to do it? You must tick the appropriate privacy settings. In this case, this action can always be canceled, and if you want, you can return to the dialogue on the site.

What is this site for? To ask questions of interest to all in a row. The answers will not only be original, but also interesting. And most importantly, cognitive. Because everyone thinks in his own way. Therefore, there is always a huge number of people who want to chat and communicate on this site and ask any questions that concern them.

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