It turns out that far beyond England there is an amusement park, based on the books of Joan Rowling and influenced by Harry Potter films.

Today we are going to the USA, becausethere, in Florida in the city of Orlando in Universal's Island of Adventure - one of the two parks of the famous entertainment complex Universal Orlando Resort in 2010 was opened a new theme park "The Magic World of Harry Potter» (The Wizarding World of Harry Potter).

"The Magic World of Harry Potter" - eha huge amusement park created on thean area of ​​eight hectares, where all the attractions and the surrounding environment are subject to the same theme - to recreate the atmosphere of your favorite books and films about Harry Potter.

It is amazing the accuracy of reproduction of various trifles and details, from the Hogwarts Castle, the interior of its offices and halls, to the goods exhibited in shop windows and shops in Hogsmeade.

Accuracy is observed even in the old recipes of pumpkin juice and cream beer, which are sold in the "Boar's head" and "Three Broom" in the "Magic World of Harry Potter."

Walking through the Island of Adventures

Once inside the huge park in Florida, we again find ourselves in a world of not quite the usual school where the famous wizard boy studied.

Lost is unknown where in the unreal world the SchoolMagic and Magic "Hogwarts" again appears in our world, and we, having got to this place, willingly agree that everything that happened and happens, takes place to be in our life.

Our journey to the "Magic World of Harry Potter" in the Island of Adventure park begins with the village of Hogsmeade (the only village of wizards where ordinary people do not live).

Through the arched gate we find ourselves onHogsmeade railway station, which is located on the very outskirts of the village, puffing at the station Hogwarts Express and further to the streets of the village with houses with snow-covered roofs and black smoke from the soot.

Hogsmeade is not a simple place at all. Here in the world of Harry Potter, the senior students from Hogwarts school rested and entertained.

There is an owl post in the village. In the world of Harry - this is the place of rest owls after the delivery of letters. In reality, this is a place in the park where visitors can relax. And at the same time, from here you can send a letter with the coat of arms of the village of Hogsmeade instead of the postmark.

There are a lot of different shops with magical jokes, quaint shops, restaurants. But we'll talk about this a little later.

And now we will continue our journey on the cobbledbridge to the main object of our route - the ancient castle Hogwarts, which is also a school of magic and magic and in which we are waiting for amazing adventures on unique attractions.

School of Magic and Magic Hogwarts

On the territory of the castle Hogwarts there are the main exciting events that draw visitors to the world, very accurately recreated from books and films.

Here, following the route developed bycreators of this amazing amusement park, we get to the most secret places of the magic school, take part in fascinating events accompanied by the heroes of the films.

Attraction "Harry Potter and the Forbidden Journey"

When creating the main attraction "Harry Potter"and Forbidden Journey "were used robotic manipulators, animation, real scenery, music, sound and light special effects and, probably, a bit of magic.

Further through the corridor, everyone enters the gallery withthese "talking" portraits of Hogwarts teachers, whose characters, not in the least embarrassed by the presence of wizards, are animatedly talking and moving from picture to picture.

In front of Dumbledore's office, we encounter the majestic Griffin statue, which has been recreated to the smallest detail in the Harry Potter films.

And here we are in Dumbledore's office, in which the directorHogwarts welcomes the Muggles (that is, us) who first visited this castle. Of course, Dumbledore himself is not in the room, and he greets visitors from the screen. But the impression is illusory that he is among the guests of the castle.

The director's office is a very exact copy of the office that we saw in one of the films.

Attraction "Flight on the Hippogriff"

As we remember from books and films, Hippogriff is a magical creature, of a very unusual kind: a semicircle, a half-griffon.

And the attraction is something likeroller coaster, but in a more sparing version. It is preferred by family tourists with children. Its height is 13 meters, the speed is 45.9 kilometers per hour. The restriction on growth is 91 cm.

On the way to the hills "Flight on the Hippogriff" you can pass by Hagrid's hut. Log into the hut is impossible, since this structure only just reproduces the appearance of the forester's house.

But you can get instructions and instructions from Hagrid, how to approach, "tame" and ride the Hippogriff.

Attraction "Contest with the Dragon"

Created based on the "Tournament of Three Wizards" from the movie "Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire."

This high-speed double roller coaster ina kind of interwoven inverted hills with several trains symbolizing the battle of Harry Potter with the dragon Hungarian Horsetail and Victor Kram with the dragon Chinese Fireball in the first Test in the Tournament. Three Wizards.

Chinese Fireball develops speed - 96.6kilometers per hour, and the Hungarian Horsetail - 88.5 kilometers per hour. The height is 38.1 meters. Total ride time on the attraction is approximately 2 minutes and 25 seconds.

Restrictions on growth - 137 cm.

Not far from the attraction are the Three Wizards Cup and the Goblet of Fire, Hagrid's hut and the Weasley flying car.

The main attractions of the park are complemented by thematic restaurants, shops, benches, which are also created under the impression of books and films read and with the observance of the smallest details.

Bizarre shops and shops in the village of Hogsmeade

And here we are again in the village of Hogsmeade, who came topark "The Magic World of Harry Potter" from the pages of books and from the screen of films with numerous shops, restaurants and cafes, not to visit which we simply do not have the right.

Shop "Sweet Kingdom"

The most famous confectioner's shop is a variety of sweets in the world of wizards.

Here you can buy sweets for a variety of tastes: Chocolate frogs, exploding candies, licorice sticks, brewed pots, chewing gum Drubbles, colorful Bertie Botts, sugar pens, blood candies, creamy fudge - and surprise yourself and your loved ones with these extraordinary sweets.

Shop "Zonko"

Shop of comic products and magic jokes. This shop was very popular with Hogwarts students, and today it is one of the favorite places for tourists.

Shop "Darvish and Bangs"

Be sure to go to this store. Here are sold all sorts of magic trinkets, details used in movies, toys and souvenirs. For example, sets for playing Quidditch, a form for participants of the Tournament of Three Wizards, reminders, spectral glasses, "Monstrous book about monsters", hoodies, scarves, hats, bags on a belt.

Attraction "Wand chooses a wizard"

Events take place in the shop of Mr. Ollivander, andmore precisely, in its absolute copy. Everyone here, like Harry Potter, can pass the test and find out which wand is right for you, and get it in this shop.

Try happiness, and the magic wand will choose you herself (well, only an actor and special effects will help her a little).

"Three Broomsticks" and "Kabanya's Head"

After a walk in the park, you can have a snack in onefrom many restaurants. But, if you want to continue your journey to places connected with Harry Potter, then it is better to do it in the restaurant "Three Brooms". It attracts visitors not only the original interior, but also the opportunity to try creamy beer or a very tasty branded pumpkin juice, which was so loved by heroes of films and books about Harry Potter.

Here you can order national Britishdishes, various delicacies, for example, baked turkey, Cornish pies, fresh fruits and vegetables. We also took care of children: in a special menu, a sweet table with strawberry and apple pies, chocolate truffles, ice cream.

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