PayPal is the leading international payment system. Most serious foreign online shops accept payment through PayPal, and not so long ago the system began to work officially in Russia. You already could read how to use it, in our article How to Pay with PayPal.

To make money into your PayPal account, you needBank card. But what if you would rather pay through PayPal from your account in one of the Russian payment systems - for example, Yandex.Money or WebMoney? In this article, we'll show you how to tie PayPal to an electronic wallet.

Binding to Yandex.Money

In fact, directly link the account in Yandex.Money with the account in PayPal is impossible - such integration between these services is not provided. But there is a workaround: you can issue a virtual Yandex.Money card, the balance of which is equal to the balance of the wallet, and already bind it to PayPal, as the most common bank card.

To create a virtual card, go to the section"Manage your wallet" and in the "Bank cards" block opposite the "Virtual card" item, click the "Release" link. Record the card number shown on the screen. The CVC code and the validity period of the card will be sent to you via SMS to the attached phone. After that you will be able to bind the card to PayPal, as described in our article How to bind cards.

Bind to WebMoney

You can bind WebMoney to PayPal in the same way,like Yandex.Money, - through a virtual card. To do this, go to the WM-Card website and click the "Order Card" button, log in and select the "MasterCard Virtual" card type.

In the "Card limit" field, indicate how much moneywant to put on the card, and click "Next". Then check your personal details and click "Next" again. Connect the SMS-service, because it is necessary for binding to PayPal. To do this, enter your phone number and click "Next".

Double-check all the data, select the checkbox"I confirm ..." and click the "Confirm" button. Then pay the card. You will see its full number in your WM Keeper, and the code CVC2 and the validity period will be sent via SMS to the specified mobile phone. After that, you can tie the card to PayPal in the usual way.

Keep in mind that the virtual card WebMoney, inthe difference from Yandex.Money, paid: for the order will have to pay 10 rubles, and for each replenishment will be charged 1% of the amount. Paid and SMS-service - it costs 30 rubles a month.

QIWI binding

To bind to PayPal it is possible and a purse QIWI - toothrough a virtual card. It is issued and maintained for free, and its balance is equal to the balance of your electronic wallet. The card is called QIWI Visa Card - do not mix it with the prepaid QIWI Visa Virtual card, which has a short period of validity and is ordered immediately for a certain amount.

To get a QIWI Visa Card, go to yourpersonal cabinet, in the right panel in the "QIWI Cards" section select the "QIWI Visa Card" item and click the "More Details" link. On the next page, click the Get QVC button. Fill in your data, and not in Cyrillic, but in Latin, and again click the "Get QVC" button.

The card number will be sent to you by SMS onregistered mobile phone. Validity period and CVC code you can see in your account in the same section "QIWI Maps". After that, you can bind the card to the account in PayPal in the usual way.

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