Soon the summer delicacy - a water-melon will ripen. This most delicious gift of summer has strong diuretic fortifying properties, improves metabolism in the body, and also perfectly quenches thirst. You want a watermelon? How to choose the right one? In this article you will find some useful tips on this topic.

The time of buying watermelon is very important: on the territory of Russia watermelons can be bought from the second half of August to September, just by this time they keep up, later it should not be taken, as the product will be stale and can harm your body. It is better not to run first for watermelons, in early fruits, as a rule, more nitrates, and the price is higher.

The choice of watermelon must be carefully considered, since ripeness is not the main criterion by which to choose. It is very important that the watermelon was also useful, and therefore safe.

Tips: how to choose a watermelon

  1. Very reverent attitude to the place of purchase. It is important that the presale storage is correct: store watermelons in the shade, so that they do not shine the sun's rays, and on pallets (wooden substrates for the goods). Do not buy watermelons off the road, on the road.
  2. Ask the seller for a certificate of compliance with the goods sold. In this document, there must be a color print, even if you are shown a photocopy.
  3. The color of watermelon. Ripe watermelon has contrasting stripes, juicy and bright color. In the process of growth and maturation on the striped surface of the watermelon, a yellow spot is marked - the place on which it lay on the ground. In a watermelon grown under favorable conditions, it will be relatively small, if the spot is larger than the palm, it is better not to take a watermelon, it can turn out to be unsweetened and watery.
  4. The size of watermelon - it matters. Do not take a giant watermelon, even if you have a large family, it is better to take a pair of medium watermelons. The more, but the watermelon is easier, the more it is ripe, but not necessarily tastier - it is better to choose an average fruit. But the size of watermelon largely depends on its variety, for example, the most delicious watermelons "Crimean Rose" are small.
  5. There is an opinion that "watermelon" is more delicious. How to distinguish the "watermelon girl" from the "watermelon boy"? "Arbuzichi" have a more irregular shape, and the yellow spot is more oblong than in "watermelons".
  6. Appearance of the crust. Watermelon should be clean - the adhered dirt can hide the damage and flaws. In a ripe watermelon, the crust is shiny and smooth. Carefully inspect the fetus, the surface should be without a single cracks, without signs of rot. Never take an incised watermelon, and do not let the seller cut what you like, because if the integrity of the crust in the watermelon is violated, malicious organisms start developing, the sweet and moist environment contributes to it!
  7. Dry tail is not always a measure of ripeness,as they say, in stale watermelons it is also dry. Therefore, this is not a primary sign of ripeness. However, it should not be missed: do not take watermelons without a stalk or with a juicy or sluggish stalk.
  8. Watermelon should ring. When patting a ripe watermelon you will hear and feel a sonorous resonance. You can also listen - if the watermelon is cracking when squeezing, but the main thing is not to overdo it, you can ruin a delicious specimen!

Well, here's the "minke" and on the table, but this is the choiceWatermelon is not finished, it will continue even after you cut it. Check the watermelon for nitrates: pay attention to the color of the pulp and veins. Do not eat watermelon intensely red with the presence of a purple hue, with yellowish veins, veins should be only white.

Watermelon needs to be able not only to choose correctly, but also to consume correctly:

  • Before use, thoroughly wash the watermelon and chill it (it is much more delicious).
  • Uneaten a watermelon store in the refrigerator.
  • Watermelon must be eaten within 2-3 hours after cutting.

Now you know how to choose a delicious watermelon, which will bring you and your family only joy and benefit!

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