Lent is an Orthodox rite, the goalwhich is repentance. Its essence is in strict limitations. As a result, the list of what you can eat in fasting is very different from our usual diet. Lent is strict, it is difficult to observe, but in modern society, when fresh fruits and vegetables are available all year round, as well as many products that completely replace banned foods, you can fully eat even during fasting.

What you can not eat in the post

In Lent you can not eat meat, poultry and dairyproducts. Fish is also on the list of prohibited foods, but it can be eaten on certain days - Lazarev Saturday, Palm Sunday and Annunciation. These are all products of animal origin, which are sources of protein and fats necessary for the normal functioning of the body. And refusing them, you need to know that your body can take it hard. The main principle of fasting is abstinence, one should eat according to this principle - following the limitations, not allowing yourself excesses.

What you can eat in the post

In post you can eat all the vegetable products, thisnot only vegetables and fruits, but also many products that now produce, such as cookies, juices, soy dishes and even some kinds of chocolates and chocolate. The main food product, of course, will be vegetables. This can be the usual potatoes, cabbage, beets and carrots. Prepared traditionally - boiled or stewed, habitual vinaigrette or soup, they can quickly get bored, especially if the house has children, because the kids hardly endure monotony and miss their usual tasty and varied dishes. You can make a novelty in the diet, making vegetable patties or salad dressed with vegetable oil. You can include new ingredients in the usual dishes - add greens, spices, mushrooms, nuts or dried fruits. You can also make a variety with new products, at this time you can taste chickpeas (it belongs to the family of legumes, but differs from peas or beans), rukola, spinach, broccoli or soy products.

Also in the post you can eat porridge: rice, buckwheat, pearl, millet, without the addition of butter, cooked on the water. If, without oil, the porridge seems completely tasteless, you can add margarine or spread to it, since it is not a dairy product, dried fruit or jam. To unsweetened buckwheat porridge you can add onions and mushrooms. Also an option for breakfast can be corn flakes or muesli with juice instead of milk. You can also eat pasta, dressed with tomato sauce or pesto sauce.

You can eat in a post and vegetable soups, as well asfrozen vegetable mixes, homemade pickles - sauerkraut, salted and pickled cucumbers, vegetable caviar, jam and compotes. You can find lean products in shops and cafes, most often they have the inscription "lean" or "you can eat in the post", you can also find these products yourself in stores by reading the composition. It should not contain products of animal origin (meat, milk, butter) and a large amount of sugar (because you need to eat moderately). For example, instead of milk chocolate, you can take a bitter, and instead of biscuit biscuits choose oatmeal. If you want to learn new unusual recipes, you can look into the vegan cuisine. The vegan diet is similar to lean, as it also excludes all products of animal origin, and on the Internet you can easily find interesting recipes, for example orange cupcakes in sunflower oil.

Remember that even during the period of fasting is importantsupport the body, and there are foods that are a source of protein (this is basically legumes and mushrooms), fats (vegetable oil) and glucose (for example, bananas, raisins, dried apricots). Due to proper, moderate and balanced nutrition your body will be well tolerated by any physical and mental loads.

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