If there is a plot of land and like to spenda lot of time in the open air, doing physical labor, you can grow fresh, environmentally friendly vegetables for the whole family. The vegetable garden is a troublesome business, but interesting, especially when the fruits of painstaking labor have already appeared. To grow a garden, you need to decide on the plants that will grow on the site, and properly take care of them.

Which vegetables to choose?

You need to start working in the garden in the spring. The first thing to do is to purchase plant seeds that you want to plant. If the site is small, it is better to plant only your favorite vegetables. They will be pleasantly looked after and then eaten. When there is not enough time to care for the plants, you can take the land unpretentious species: pumpkin, onions, beets, garlic, zucchini.

For cucumbers and tomatoes will require careful care and frequent watering. They are very thermophilic, so you can not do without a greenhouse. They are better to choose if there is a lot of free time.

Care of the garden

To grow vegetables well, it is necessary to createthey are favorable conditions: to provide moisture, light-loving to highlight the illuminated place. Moisture-loving plants should not grow on sandy soil, which dries quickly. Late cultures can safely grow on clay sites. Also, all plants do not like weeds, they need to be disposed of without allowing them to seize the entire site.

If you look after the garden, a good result will not keep you waiting. Soon, fresh and tasty vegetables will appear on the dinner table.

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